
Fennel Medicinal Plants

Fennel is one of nine plant that are considered miracle drug in th anglo saxon.In Indonesia have been cultivated and sometimes as herbs or medicinal plants. This plant can live from lowlands to an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, but it will grow better in the highlands. Originally from southern Europe and Asia, and its benefits then widely grown in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Europe, and Japan. height 50 cm - 2 m, growing in clumps. One family usually consists of 3-5 stems. Bluish green stem, grooved, jointed, hollow, fragrant scent when bruised. The layout leaves alternate, pinnate compound with double two fins narrow, needle shape, tapered tip and base, flat edge,  sheath white, membranous sheath shaped with the top hat. Structured as an umbrella flower inflorescence compound with 6-40 peduncle, peduncle length mother 5-1 0 cm, long peduncle 2-5 mm, yellow crown, out of the rod tip. Fruit oval, ribbed, length 6-10 mm, width 3-4 mm, young green after green or dark brown little brown slightly yellow until completely brown. However, the color of the fruit varies depending on the country of origin. Ripe fruit has a distinctive aromatic smell, taste if it was relatively like camphor. Fennel oil yield, which is the result of refined powder fennel fruits are ripe and dry. There are two kinds of fennel oil, sweet and bitter. Both, are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Fennel is also used for seasoning, or used as an ingredient that improves the taste (corrigentia saporis) scent and medicinal herb. Usually fennel is used in conjunction with pulosari (Alyxia stellata) bark. The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Propagation by seed or by separating young plants.

Local Name of Fennel mededinal plants

Hades (Sunda), anise, fennel Londa, fennel Landi (Java); Adhas (Madura), fennel (Bali), wala Wunga (Sumba).; Das spicy (Aceh), anise, fennel (Malay).; Adeh , Manih (Minangkabau). paapang, paampas (Manado).; Popoas (Alfuru), denggu-denggu (Gorontalo); Papaato (Buol), porotomo (Baree). kumpasi (Sangir Talaud).; Adasa, rempasu (Napier), adase (Bugis).; Hsiao Hui (China), phong Karee, Mellet Karee (Thailand); Jintan Manis (Malaysia). barisaunf, madhurika (Ind. / Mr.).; Fennel, commaon fennel, sweet fennel, fenkel, spigel

Curable Disease:

Abdominal pain (heartburn), flatulence, nausea, vomiting, a little milk,; diarrhea, jaundice (jaundice), loss of appetite, cough,; Shortness of breath (asthma), menstrual pain, menstrual tertur, arthritic goat,; Difficult sleeping (insomnia), the testicles descend (orchidoptosis), colic,; intestine down to the groin (inguinal hernia), gallstones,; Swelling of the vas deferens (epididymis); Stockpiling fluid in the scrotal sac (hiodrokel testis); Poisoning medicinal plants or fungi, improve eyesight;
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological fruit: ripe fruit contains an aromatic smell, taste slightly sweet, spicy, warm, enter the liver meridian, kidney, spleen, and stomach. Leaves: aromatic smelling oil from the fruit: fennel oil (fennel oil). CHEMICAL CONTENT: Fennel contains volatile oil (Oleum Foeniculi) 1-6%, contains 50-60% anetol, approximately 20% fenkon, pinene, limonene, dipenten, felandren, metilchavikol, anisaldehid, anisat acid, and 12% fatty oil. Content anetol causing fennel issued a distinctive aroma and nutritious carminative. The root contains bergapten. Roots and seeds contain stigmasterin (serposterin). Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research:

  1. Active components, anisaldehida, increasing efficacy streptomycin for the treatment of tuberculosis in mice.
  2. Improve the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis expenditure fart (flatus).
  3. Eliminate cold and phlegm. 
  4. Anetol containing fennel oil, fenkon, chavicol, and efficacious anisaldehid soothing the digestive tract and it works like a stimulant appetite. 
  5. Of the adult human studies, it was found that fennel has the effect of destroying kidney stones.
  6. In animal experiments, extracts of fennel leaf decoction can lower blood pressure. However, other ways of processing do not show these properties.
Fennel medecinal plants